
Sleep is the Enemy

You have 24 hours in a day. The average amount of sleep a person needs per day is 8 hours. Simplified, 8 out of 24 is 1/3. We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. So yes, sleep is the enemy, or at least, it is one of our enemies.

I think sleep is a disease we need to cure.

I believe the search for a cure for sleep is in the same category as the search for immortality. However, I think curing sleep seems like a much more achievable goal than solving immortality. This is because there are many things that could kill us (bullet, cancer, food poisoning, a genetic defect), and each of these things is complex enough to need addressing individually, making it futile to try to address them all at once. On the other hand, finding a cure for sleep is, by comparison, a simpler task. Although there are many phenomena associated with sleep in our bodies, they are confined to a few areas, and most of its effects exist via the functioning of our brains.

Giving people back 1/3 of their lives is no joke, so I think it is an important goal. If this cure is found, I don't think people would just stop sleeping; it would just be another option. Sleep’s function is rest and refreshment, and if we have another way to achieve that state, people might sometimes use that method and other times choose the real thing and actually sleep.

The purpose of having this cure is not just so that people will work all night and all day, though it will be used that way. The purpose of this cure is also so that you could watch a movie overnight without it affecting your need for rest.

It would also allow businesses to run for 24 hours, giving the world’s economy a boost.

Simply put, like trying to solve immortality, the purpose of a cure for sleep would be to give people more time, and people would use their time however they like.